Hello! I'm a developer peacefully creating apps in South Korea, also known as Chorr. In this space, I share my experiences and insights from the world of app development, along with various aspects of my everyday life. Welcome to my garden of thoughts and creativity. <div style="display:grid;grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);gap:6px;"> <img src="https://cdn.chorr.net/assets/profile-a.webp" alt="📷" /> <img src="https://cdn.chorr.net/assets/profile-b.webp" alt="📷" /> <img src="https://cdn.chorr.net/assets/profile-c.webp" alt="📷" /> </div> ## Skills - Development - iOS (Swift, AVFoundation, TCA) - DevOps (Linear, GitHub) - Front-End Stack (JavaScript, Next.js, React) - Project and Team Management - Base on [Shape Up](https://basecamp.com/shapeup) - [[Photos|Photography]] ## Professional Experiences - [ImgBase](https://www.imgbase.me/), CTO, Co-Founder (2017–2024) - [Cardoc](https://corp.cardoc.co.kr/) (2015–2017) - [Naver](https://www.navercorp.com/) (2013–2015) - Daum (2009–2013) ## Links - Email: [email protected] - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/chorr) - [GitHub](https://github.com/chorr) - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/chorr-profile) - [YouTube](https://youtube.com/@scenediary)